EE 207 - Surprise, Delight & Save the World with Jamie Crummie

Joining me on the pod today is Jamie Crummie, founder of Too Good To Go.

Too Good To Go is a fun app that helps you get food at a heavily discounted price while helping retailers combat food waste. 

Each day, retailers put together surprise bags you can grab just before they close.

This episode was sparked by my becoming an ambassador for Champion Changemakers which takes place around Ireland from September 23rd -25th. 

In this episode Jamie shares
- Why you should do things that don't scale at the start

- His guide to scrappy startups & bootstrapping

- The way to do good while making profit & why that's scorned

- How he paid a busker to compose a song for him

- The golden rules of keeping it simple

- What ultimate success looks like for him.



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Proudly Partnered with Sage

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Location Partner: Iconic Offices

Music by Andrew Applepie